“Lullaby for the Earth” out today!

Here it is! “Lullaby for the Earth” by CMB Project. I really care about this one, please check it out on YouTube!

PS – The child you hear in the song is one of Michele’s sons…


The Earth is far from here

between my index and my thumb

Floating in space

It’s so… so stupid

Being afraid

I’m so conceited using my power



The genesis of this song was quite strange. I started working on this track around the middle of September 2013. During the work, the provisional title was “Track 12” but, honestly, I don’t remember how we got to the final one.

In fact, there is a post from September 15, 2013 where it already talks about “working title: Lullaby For The Earth”. And it’s quite strange because Michele usually writes titles and lyrics. It may be that I wrote it and then Michele wrote the lyrics and vocals based on that indication.

The next post is from December 8, 2013 and announces the fact that Michele wrote the lyrics and vocal line for the track.

After 20 days (a little more: December 30, 2013), I published the image I had created for the track. It’s quite a strange work for my standards but it seemed to me to be perfectly in theme with the atmosphere of the track.

We then had to wait a year and a half to have the finished song…

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